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There is absolutely no preparation for the experience that you’ll be having this month. Just know that on the other side of this is a level of insight, inspiration and empowerment that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. It’s our prayer that you will pay that forward to another young person as they seek to pursue their passion, purpose and dreams. I remember going to law school and on the first day, they tell you to look to your left and your right because one of those people may not be there. That is the level of rigor that law school provides.

I think what’s different and special about the WEEN Academy is that we want you to look to your left and look to your right to make sure that person is there. It’s our desire that you build a sisterhood where when one is down, you’re all down. We want you all to lift one another up. There is something aligned with being a lawyer in that they say once you become a lawyer, you’ll always be a lawyer. I think once you’re a WEEN Academy graduate you can’t unring the bell of empowerment that you experience. Once you have that knowledge, you carry it with you wherever you go no matter which job you pursue.


I personally don’t feel it’s necessary to stop loving someone to move on with your life. I think true love relationships, real partnerships, require reciprocity. I’m a big believer in how to love people from afar. I’ve learned to that very well in my life and it serves me. When there is a relationship where it doesn’t work or you’re not evenly yoked, wouldn’t it be great it we had a ‘don’t love him or her pill’ that we took and all of a sudden we don’t love that person? If I could develop that I would never have to work again.

What you have to do is learn how to love people from afar and move on when you have to. If there is no reciprocity, there’s never going to be a real relationship. This is a recurring theme that I see on Paternity Court. It’s often that this woman still loves this man or this man still loves this woman, but that person doesn’t want to be with them anymore. There is no child, there is no nothing that is going to make that relationship happen. The love is not the problem – it’s the unhealthy expectation and desire for the relationship with that person that is problematic. True love is limitless. For me, I follow scripture where love never fails. That means it never dies. It always hopes. God is love, so it’s limitless.


An overwhelming, unreasonable amount of coursework and curriculum designed to challenge you to learn to prioritize. Law school forces you to think critically about the law and the way it impacts people, community and our country. Law school is a study in the historic creation and use of law. Expect a very specific look at our constitution and how that has been used and spewed to legitimize unfair laws.

Most importantly, law school will teach you a lot about who you are. Lawyers have to deal with conflict and controversy. Lawyers are rarely called on when everything goes well. We are on deck when it all goes wrong. Law school will test your inner strength, your ability to hold it together in times of crisis, and whether you can truly be an advocate, representative and liaison for people at the lowest, most turbulent parts of their lives. Law school shows you whether you can stand in the face of opposition. It teaches you to stand your ground and use the law to empower your client and to give them the best opportunity to prevail.

It’s funny because a lot of what I do in the WEEN Academy is what I got from law school: the skill of throwing people off. Law school is one of the best teachers so you’re in for a treat. I am praying that God blesses and covers your law journey!


@judgelaurenlaketv | @laurenlakelimitless

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